Modeling the effects of education campaign on online game addiction of children and youth in Thailand

Ratchada Viriyapong, Monthicha Sookpiam


Online game addiction could give negative impacts on children in many ways such as physical health, learning and behavior. These impacts could lead to a reduction in children???s development in the aspects of physical, psychological, emotional and social development. Online game addiction is mainly caused by psychological problem, family or, social factors, and is mostly found in children and youth at the age of 15 ??? 24 years. Due to the fact that there is an increase in number of addicted gamers every year, therefore, in this research we explored the effect of education on online game addiction of children and youth in Thailand by analyzing mathematical model in the form of ??PAQtQp model. Mathematical program has been used for numerical analysis in this model and the basic reproduction number is calculated. Our results show that an education by giving awareness of how games would give negative effects to children???s lives could reduce a number of addicted online gamers. Hence, this could lead to an approach to control or reduce number of online game addiction in Thailand.

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